Tacc International not only uses its pioneering spirit to responsibly deliver energy to the world. Tacc diverts it's sources to all aspects of today’s need of living. This purpose transcends all of Tacc Internationals operations. The company conducts its business to return maximum value to shareholders (employees) while utilizing a wealth of knowledge and resources from its employees and acting responsibly in all communities in which it operates.

The company and its partners understand its responsibility to deliver natures energy in a safe, environmentally and socially responsible manner. The company upholds this responsibility in its worldwide operations, where it is the top 25 recycled energy builder and the sixth-largest holder of nongovernmental-controlled companies. Tacc International is known worldwide for its technological expertise in energy management.  The Properties include commercial buildings of Retail, Restaurants, Offices and Hotels which are all owned and operated by Tacc

Employees’ individuals talents and strengths combined to create a diverse and resilient workforce within Tacc.